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Bayshore Highway Mixed Blessing in East Palo Alto - Palo Alto Times
Article about the role that the Bayshore Highway played in developing East Palo Alto. Focuses on local businesses and commercial areas such as Whiskey Gulch....
Chamber Offers a Boost - Peninsula Times Tribune
Article about EPA establishing a Chamber of Commerce with the guidance and assistance of Municipal Court Judge LaDoris Cordell. Discusses previous efforts to...
Abrams to Manage E. Palo Alto Bank - unknown publication
Article about George L. Abrams being appointed the manager of the soon-to-be constructed Bank of American branch at the intersection of University and Bay in...
Start Up Summer 2002 Newsletter
Newsletter from EPA Micro-Business Initiative/Start Up with a letter from the Executive Director Faye McNair-Knox, recent Start Up graduate information,...
Businesses Which Sell Alcoholic Beverages in East Palo Alto
A list of EPA businesses that sell alcoholic beverages. Especially important as Stanford University was a dry campus at the time, making EPA and especially...
EPA Chamber of Commerce Fifth Annual Installation and Award Banquet Program
Program from the EPA Chamber of Commerce Fifth Annual Installation and Award Banquet. Includes business advertisements, a brief history of the EPA Chamber of...
List of Businesses in East Palo Alto by Address
List of Businesses in East Palo Alto by Address. Includes phone number and business owner (if known). No date.
The Globe - March 13, 1968
An edition of the EPA Globe newspaper that covers Frank Williams becoming an US ambassador, elections in Selma, Alabama, Mardi Gras celebrations in New...
Dredge at Cooley Landing
Photograph of the retired dredge used to build levees for the salt ponds. This photo was taken the same year that Carl Schoof, who owned the Palo Alto...
Block Bank's Closing - Peninsula Times Tribune
Editorial from LaDoris and Gary Cordell about the announcement of the closing of the EPA Bank of America branch. Discusses the upcoming incorporation,...
Bacterial Examination of Water slips for the Palo Alto Park Mutual Water Co.
Bacterial Examination of Water slips for the various tanks owned and operated by the Palo Alto Park Mutual Water Co. Includes information on the county...
Letter from Palo Alto Park Mutual Water Co. Board of Director to Water Users
Letter from the Palo Alto Park Mutual Water Co. Board of Directors with an overview of the company, the span of their constituents, and billing information....
New Water Mains Installed in Palo Alto Park - Ravenswood Post
Brief article about Palo Alto Park Mutual Water Company laying new water mains along the Bayshore Freeway.
Huge Water Tank Bursts - San Jose Mercury News
Article about a Palo Alto Park Mutual Water Company tank bursting after being damaged during the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake.
Water Tank Bursts, Unleashing Torrent - unknown publication
Article and photos documenting a Palo Alto Park water tank that burst and sent a wave of water flowing through neighboring streets. The tank burst during...
Annual Meeting Tonight - unknown publication
Article about Palo Alto Park Mutual Water Company holding its annual stockholders meeting. Includes agenda items, updates on the installation of a new water...
Director Sues Over Ouster; Drew Medical Center Board Ordered to Reinstate Director - Palo Alto Times
Two articles about Deborah Sanderson being ejected as the director of the Drew Medical-Dental Center and filing suit to be reinstated. A San Mateo County...
Flyer for the Drew Center Pharmacy
Flyer advertising the services of the Drew Center Pharmacy and Arthur Lim. Lists payment and insurance options and advertises Spanish-speaking staff.
CLSEPA We Are Expanding! Flyer
Flyer in English and Spanish advertising the new CLSEPA office location on Bay Road. Explains which legal service specializations are offered in which office...
Community Legal Services in EPA Annual Celebration Gala Program
Program for CLSEPA's 10th Annual Celebration Gala. Includes information on honored firms, CLESPA's capital campaign for a new office space, the ceremony, and...
CLSEPA Newsletter - Summer 2010
Newsletter from CLSEPA with updates on a new CLSEPA office space, key supporters, and pro bono cases by the numbers
Community Legal Services in EPA: At Face Value - Spring/Summer 2009
Report and newsletter from CLSEPA with articles on CLSEPA's services, how the Palo Alto Bar Association's Annual Golf Tournament benefitted CLSEPA, and pro...
Benefitting Others - Gentry Magazine
Article about the formation and services offered by Community Legal Services in EPA (CLSEPA).
Second Generation of Legal Service - Street Forum
Article about the EPA Community Law Project closing and the opening of the Stanford Community Law Clinic and Community Law Services of EPA (CLSEPA) to fill...
Law Group Reaches Milestone - San Jose Mercury News
Article about Community Legal Services in EPA (CLSEPA) celebrating one year of legal work in EPA. Includes an overview of the group's fundraising,...
Community Legal Services in EPA Spanish Trifold Pamphlet
Trifold pamphlet in Spanish from Community Legal Services in EPA (CLSEPA) listing FAQs and legal advice services.
Solicitation Letter from Community Legal Services in EPA
Solicitation letter from Community Legal Services in EPA (CLSEPA) with information on the organization's foundation, target populations, key activities,...
Community Legal Services in EPA Trifold Pamphlet
Pamphlet for CLSEPA with an overview of the organization's history and mission. Includes information on staff, leadership, supporters, and the various legal...
CLSEPA Flyer for Juvenile Justice Legal Advice
Flyer advertising a limited number of free legal advisory sessions for juvenile justice from Community Legal Services in EPA (CLSEPA). Flyer was published in...
Community Legal Services in EPA Present Activities & Future Goals
Document listing Community Legal Services in EPA's present activities and goals for the future. Includes a diagram comparing the services and goals of...
Mission Statement and Agenda for First Meeting of Community Legal Services in EPA
Early draft of the mission statement for Community Legal Services in EOA (CLSEPA) and agenda for the first board meeting on July 31, 2002.
Passing the Torch: The Closure of the EPA Community Law Project and the Genesis of Community Legal Services in EPA
A brief document explaining the transition from EPA Community Law Project to Community Legal Services in EPA
EPA Community Law Project Update - December 2001
Newsletter update from the EPA Community Law Project. Includes sections on the organization's 17 years of service to the EPA community, a letter from...
History of Community Legal Services in EPA (CLSEPA)
A brief history of the foundation and achievements of Community Legal Services of EPA (CLSEPA). Written following 11 years of service to the EPA community.
Old Swim Hole to Vanish - unknown publication
Article about a meeting to discuss the progress of the destruction of the Palo Alto Park swimming hole. Discusses some history of the swimming hole's...
Here are Alto Park Council's Proposed By-Laws - Ravenswood Post
Ten proposed bylaws articles for the Alto Park Community Council organizing group. Articles cover corporate powers, office, executive council, officers,...
Palo Alto Park Conditions from the San Mateo County Title Company
Conditions for the Palo Alto Park property, as established by the San Mateo County Title Company. Gives details on the location of any dwelling units, barns,...
Scene: Arts and Entertainment - Palo Altan
Local arts & entertainment section that includes upcoming events at EPA's Club Afrique and Pena Moai.
Various Papers and Letters related to the First City of East Palo Alto Small Business Conference
Packet of various documents related to the First City of East Palo Alto Small Business Conference. Includes: Letter from Joe Brooks to the Economic...
Letter to Frank Satterwhite about SBA in EPA
Letter from Richard F. America of the Office of Private Sector Initiatives to Frank Satterwhite about the economic development of EPA and the possibility for...
Community Organization and Public Agencies Directory
List of nonprofit organizations and public agencies in EPA. Local business addresses and phone numbers listed.
Letter to Bank of American Customers About the Closure of the University at Bay Branch
Letter from Bank of America Branch Manager G.J. Whyte about the closure of the University at Bay Branch location.
Empowering Our Community Through Access to Justice: CLSEPA Report
Report and newsletter from CLSEPA with updates on the organization's impact on EPA. Includes sections on their immigration, housing, anti-foreclosure and...
CLSEPA History
Written history of CLSEPA's inception as the EPA Community Law Project closed its doors. Mentions the involvement of EPA CAN DO and the creation of the EPA...
CLSEPA Summer 2005 Newsletter
Summer 2005 CLSEPA newsletter with a letter from new Executive Director Andy Cohen, services offered by CLSEPA, and a "by the numbers" section with people...
Rent Levels and Overcharges: Rights and Responsibilities of Tenants and Landlords in EPA
Booklet prepared by CLSEPA and the EPA Rent Stabilization Program that focuses on rent levels and overcharges. Includes the landlords' duties, the limits of...
Housing Discrimination
Booklet prepared by CLSEPA and the EPA Rent Stabilization Program that focuses on housing discrimination. Includes what is prohibited, how to document...
Security Deposits: Rights and Responsibilities of Tenants and Landlords in EPA.
Booklet prepared by CLSEPA and the EPA Rent Stabilization Program that focuses on the legal rights and responsibilities of tenants and landlords on the topic...
EPA Rent Stabilization Program Contract with Community Legal Services in EPA (CLS-EPA) - Common Ground
Article in English and Spanish about a contract between the City's Rent Stabilization Board and Community Legal Services in EPA (CLSEPA) to provide tenant...
CLSEPA Flyers for Housing and Legal Advice
Flyers for Community Legal Services in EPA (CLSEPA) advertising their housing and legal advice services.
Contractor Completes Filing Old Swim Pool - Ravenswood Post
Article about the completion of the work to fill in the Palo Alto Park swimming pool near Addison Street in EPA. The work to fill in the pool was sponsored...
Whiskey Gulch Saloon
Photographs inside the Whiskey Gulch Saloon. Depicts people playing pools, sitting at the bar as the new year ball drops on the TV, and bartender Siosaia...
Work From Home! - Metro Silicon Valley News
Article about EPA resident David Tschang and his Habitat for Small Business, or Mom and Pop of EPA business. Tschang believed that in order for people to...
Save Responsible Auto Recycling in East Palo Alto
Letter from Infinity Salvage owner Mike Baker to the EPA Mayor and City Council asking for reconsideration of the closure of his business. Mike Baker read...
Incorporation Adds to Chamber's Annual Dinner - Peninsula Times Tribune
Article about EPA's incorporation adding excitement to the second annual EPA Chamber of Commerce dinner. Judge LaDoris Cordell was mistress of ceremonies of...
A Professional Upswing in East P.A. - Palo Alto Times
Article about surgeon Dr. Betty Jo Smith, and lawyers Cameron Cunningham and Richard Potack choosing to practice in EPA. Cunningham and Potack moved into the...
East Palo Altans Have a Lawyer of Their Own - Peninsula Times Tribune
Article about EPA lawyer Donald Lawson. Discusses his professional goals, his perspective on the legal needs of EPA residents, and his path to becoming a...
How John Head's Hard Work, Tenacity Paid Off - Peninsula Times Tribune
Photograph and profile of John Head. John Head was the proprietor of Head's Market, a local grocery store, and was very involved in local organizations....
Faye Brown and Erma Moore: Those Stylish Hutchins Sisters - Palo Alto Weekly
Article about Faye Brown and Erma Moore, the salon they run, Mixed Media Hair Design, and their involvement in the EPA community through the EPA Kids...
Lawyer Marks First in E. Palo Alto - Palo Alto Times
Article about LaDoris Cordell opening the first private practice in EPA following her graduation from Stanford's Law School; she was the only black woman in...
Stephen Lamar Ashford Interview
Interview of Stephen Lamar Ashford by Meda Okelo. Topics include: his grandparents moving to EPA in the late 1950s; grandmother opening Busy Bee Day Care;...
Larry Graves, Jr. Interview
Interview of Larry Graves by Meda Okelo. Topics include: Migration to East Palo Alto around 1972 after Army, working in San Francisco, and moving to Menlo...
Golfing For Good - Palo Alto Daily News
Article about the Palo Alto Area Bar Association's 14th Annual Charity Golf Tournament at Stanford Golf Course, benefitting Community Legal Services in EPA...
History of East Palo Alto and Palo Alto Park
History of EPA and Palo Alto Park from 1853 to 1944 with a heavy focus on the agricultural and industrial nature of the land now occupied by EPA.
IKEA Community Benefit for Job Training
Patricia Foster, Sharifa Wilson, and an IKEA employee holding a large check for $50,000 during an IKEA community benefit for job training, held outside Jones...
Mailer from EPA Councilmember Duane Bay
Mailer to residents containing updates from EPA Councilmember Duane Bay. Mentions his first Tuesdays open office hours, upcoming meetings of various city...
Honor the Work: Building Capacity for Social Change in Communities of Color
Book written by Frank J. Omowale Satterwhite and Shiree Teng about the worldview and philosophical framework that informed the creation of the National...
Out of Service: Businesses Avoid Going into EPA Because of Stigma - San Jose Mercury News
A front-page article about the crime reputation of EPA, how residents feel it's unwarranted, and how the stigma has affected businesses serving the EPA...
He's Finally Manufacturing Garden Cart - Palo Alto Times
Article about EPA resident Calvin Gibson inventing a "gravity balanced" wheelbarrow and finally finding a manufacturer for the product. Gibson created the...
Proposal for "An Incubator Without Walls"
Proposal from Fred Howell for "An Incubator Without Walls," a plan to improve EPA's economic situation through aid to existing local businesses and limited...
Larry Tripplett Interview
Interview of Larry Tripplett by Meda Okelo. Topics include: moving to the Bay Area from Los Angeles by McDonald’s to open a restaurant; first impressions of...
East Palo Alto's Epic Undertaking - Nob Hill Gazette
Article about the new EPACENTER Arts nonprofit in EPA and their plan to develop a new complex. Includes interviews with executive director Nadine Rambeau,...
Letter from East Palo Alto - California Lawyer
Article about how Silicon Valley law firms are helping the low-income EPA community. Profiles lawyer Andrew Valentine and mentions the University Circle...
HP marks East Palo Alto computer initiative - San Jose Mercury News
Article describes visit to East Palo Alto by Carly Fiorina, head of Hewlett-Packard, and Michael Capellas, formerly with Compaq, to celebrate HP's Small...
Firm's address insults East P.A. - San Jose Mercury News
Article about how Brobeck, Phleger & Harrison using Palo Alto as their address insults East Palo Alto and that East Palo Alto has changed.
Law firm figures out it's located in a fine city - San Jose Mercury News
Editorial about Brobeck, Phleger & Harrison using Palo Alto as their address, rather than East Palo Alto, which offended East Palo Alto officials.
One of valley's elite law firms to close down - San Jose Mercury News
Article about the demise of the law firm Brobeck, Phleger & Harrison. Contains details of the collapse and reaction from EPA officials.
Real estate glut grows - Daily News
Article about the consequences of Brobeck, Phleger & Harrison leaving University Circle on the real estate market.
Downturn kills law firm - Daily News
Article about the collapse of the law firm Brobeck, Phleger & Harrison located in University Circle.
East Palo Alto: City hopeful it'll find new tenants - San Jose Mercury News
Article about the consequences if the law firm Brobeck, Phleger & Harrison, which recently collapsed, leaves University Circle. The law firm is an anchor...
University Liquors in Whiskey Gulch
Photographs of University Liquors in Whiskey Gulch. Some photos are depict an open storefront and others show boarded up windows and doors.
Friendly Restaurant in Whiskey Gulch
Photographs of Friendly Restaurant located in Whiskey Gulch.
Entrance to the Whiskey Gulch Saloon
Photograph of the entrance to the Whiskey Gulch Saloon
Super Market Building in Whiskey Gulch
Photograph of Super Marcado and Carniceria in Whiskey Gulch.
Photographs of A1 Liquors in Whiskey Gulch
Photographs of A1 Liquors in Whiskey Gulch
William Piazza Interview
Interview of William Piazza by Sharifa Wilson. Topics include: moving to EPA from Mountain View in 1938; community life in the first decade; Ravenswood City...
Kathleen Lynne Mercer Interview
Interview of Kathleen Lynne Mercer by Meda Okelo. Topics include: migration with her husband, David Mercer, a Stanford grad student, from Toronto, Canada to...
Letter of Support, Recognition and Thank You from the City of EPA to CLSEPA
Letter of support, recognition and thank you from the City of EPA and Mayor David Woods to CLSEPA. Acknowledges the work that CLSEPA's legal service programs...
Rev. Louis Dixon
Interview of Rev. Louis Dixon by Meda Okelo. Topics include: his family and migration from Louisiana to L.A. and eventually, in 1994, to EPA; buying a home...
Alvin Darnell Spencer Interview
Interview of Alvin Darnell Spencer by Meda Okelo. Topics include: family moving to EPA in the 1960s when he was in 2nd or 3rd grade; attending Brentwood,...
William Piazza City Tour
Tour of EPA with William Piazza and Sharifa Wilson. William Piazza reminisced about each of the following stops on the tour: Kavanaugh House where there was...
East Palo Alto News #2 - September 1995
Issue of the East Palo Alto Newsletter, published by Bill Vines and the Friends fo Bill Vines Committee. Includes articles about a new pool opening behind...
CitiView Newsletter Number 1: Summer 1994
First edition of the CitiView Newsletter for East Palo Alto. Includes articles on the purpose and inspiration behind the community newsletter, a profile of...
What's What in East Palo Alto - Governance, Education, Housing, Utilities
Information guide and community resource directory for East Palo Alto compiled and published by Jatelo Productions. Includes background information and...
Avis Doctor Interview
Interview of Avis Gibson Doctor by Meda Okelo. Topics include: migration to EPA in 1965 when she was 8 years old; attending Kavanaugh School and Green Oaks;...
Dianne Otterby Interview
Interview of Dianne Otterby by Meda Okelo. Topics include: family background; migration from Rhode Island to Raleigh, North Carolina to the Bay Area; moved...
Gloria Cormier Interview
Interview of Gloria Cormier by Sharifa Wilson in Las Vegas, Nevada, about Ravenswood High School. Topics include: migration from Los Angeles to Carlton...
Tiombe Jama Interview
Interview of Tiombe Jama by Meda Okelo. Topics include: arriving in EPA in 1977 from Philadelphia; incorporation efforts; why she came to EPA; Nobantu...
Jane Perry Interview
Interview of Jane L. Perry by Meda Okelo. Topics include: migration from Texas to EPA in 1957 with stops in between; her schooling; notable teachers; youth...
Larry Calloway Interview
Interview of Larry Calloway by Meda Okelo. Topics include: moving to EPA from Hunter’s Point in San Francisco at age 13; comparison of the two places;...
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